Monday, September 07, 2009

Butter(fly) end of Summer

I'm going to watch Madame Butterfly tonight at the Met Opera (in front actually).
It'll be the last event of my summer, even though classes have already started and Autumn is already underway. I, hilariously, almost got into a fight the last time I tried to watch Madame Butterfly at the Met.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Skool Redux (part 2)

I've finally settled on my new schedule and it's going to be Math/Stats all the time.
No more German Fairy Tales or Acting class, at least for now.
I'll try to fit in a dance class somewhere along the way.
Fall for Dance is right around the corner...

Upcoming food stuff...
I'm thinking the next (Cheesy) potluck will be awesome, the last few themes (Tofu, Queens, Wizard of Oz) have been slightly off.
Also looking forward to Omnivore New York and Le Fooding (yes, I have tickets for Friday night!)