Friday, November 03, 2006

One (Dame's) Furtive Tear

The Elixir of Love was wonderful last night. But now I'm off to North Carolina...

(Edited to add the following)

It certainly was one hell of an elixir! It's the most fun I've ever had at an opera. The '50s era costumes, sets, and most specifically the tongue-in-cheek "translation" of the libretto made it much less of an ordeal than one sometimes encounters at THE OPERA. The "Una furtiva lagrima" (one furtive tear) aria sung by Nemorino is one of my favorite and the tenor did a fantastic job. The heartache and longing behind the song is almost too much to bear. And it was the only time during the performance that I did not glance at the supertitles.

Waiting on the subway platform I was treated to a busking flutist's rendition of "Caro nome" (dearest name). There must have been a performance of
Rigoletto at the Met that night. I whistled that song of love all the way home.


Carlos said...

No more thoughts?

Julia said...

Did you know I was IN a MET production of The Elixir of Love, as a kid? It was the production with Pavarotti and Kathleen Battle. Not like, singing or anything though, I was just one of the kids scampering around on stage during one of the village scenes.