Sunday, December 17, 2006

All Roads Lead to Corner Bistro (& 94th Street)

Just home. This was an unexpectedly long night.

I thought we'd be spending time in and around Union Square capped off by another night of gustatory confabulation, but affairs of the heart trump food cravings so we stayed in the UWS and had sushi. (I know, me and sushi, what world is this?) CS joined us at the end of dinner and we wandered around the neighborhood. I was enjoying the music which seemed not unlike the sets heard at my old high school dances, when I innocently suggested an alternative venue. CS became very determined and we trudged all the way down for a dancing good time. But there would be no dancing. I really wanted to dance, I was also completely exhausted. I could barely stand at the next no-name bar in hell, but we somehow managed to score a ride on a jet plane or something. Getting out into the stale night air with the clicky-clak of ill-shod women (on cobblestones) all around, I felt pangs of hunger and steered our group to the Corner Bistro. It ended up being a mini-high school reunion of sorts when I recognized little brother David ('93), Erica ('93), Jeff ('97) & late arrival MaryAnn ('95). We also shared our booth with K-van and L-sey. She was really cute, it's too bad she didn't speak more German, I could've asked her out right in front of her boyfriend.

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