Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Birthdays

An early morning brunch at Wallsé for SL's birthday. All the usual suspects would be there, but I got there on time and chatted with the barkeep, a photographer from Berlin, while I waited for the rest of the birthday party. The brunch was tasty, but an incredible birthday surprise awaited, a Mille Crêpes from Lady M Cake Boutique. I can't do this amazing cake justice, just check out the link.

Had to rush off to meet V and CS for the First Sunday Series of 365 Days / 365 Plays. We were there to see all the plays written in weeks 17-20. It was weird, but I enjoyed it; the most memorable moment was the reenactment/pose of Emanuel Leutze's Washington Crossing the Delaware (listen to the Metropolitan Museum's podcast about the piece).

Another take on the plays.

Final leg of the day. My trip to the upper reaches of Manhattan for April's April bash. I hadn't been that far north since August. There might have been more pastries than people at this party. I took a lot of pictures. But the excitement for the day wasn't over yet, because I made a new friend on the subway ride home.

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