Saturday, July 15, 2006

DH's finale, Nadia, Anya & more poker - July 14

Another person leaving for greener pastures. I'm going to miss DH.

The morning was pretty uneventful, and EH was the only one at the origami class. Went back to drop off my stuff, so I could be free to drink at Loreley. Gunter saw me walk in, so he started pulling me a liter of Hefeweisse. It's good to be a regular. :) Anyway, grabbed my stein and walked back into the garden to join the rest of the work masses. Passed by this cute girl on the way back. She looked a bit confused, so I guessed she was looking for the restrooms and pointed her in the right direction (I'm good at giving directions, just ask Ash). Two tables were already full, so I sat at a semi-occupied table with EH across from me. She was still working on the WXYZ modular I'd taught her earlier. There was a pretty girl sitting at the other end of my bench and then the girl I'd passed on the way in sat down next to me, no doubt to join her friend. I wasn't really involved in any of the other conversations, so I broke out the 2" paper in my pocket and started folding. My neighbor seemed interested, so I offered (in German) to teach her (Nadia) the Kawasaki Star and got her friend at the end (Anya) to join the folding party. Their English was better than my German, so we switched to that while we were chatting and folding.

Nadia (the half-Chinese/half-German girl) and Anya (the basketball player) are both here on holiday after finishing Gymnasium and in the 3rd week of their 6-week jaunt through the USA. Nadia was a bit more shy, while Anya (quite the statuesque beauty at well over 6'2") had a funny little Southern drawl when she spoke English. Turns out she spent an exchange year in Kentucky a few years back, so I brought out my best North Carolina twang. Ignored the rest of the work posse for the next hour, took photos (on their digital camera, I'd left my analog at work) and made tentative plans to hang out again when they came back from Kentucky in 2 weeks. :)

The most interesting part of this whole thing for me was the array of reactions from my co-workers. I guess most hadn't ever seen me in full-effect and they seemed amazed/awed/appalled that I had these two pretty young girls fully engaged in under 5 minutes.

Walked the girls back to Spring St. and suggested they swing by the Neue Galerie since they were planning a Met/Guggenheim run.

Later in the day...

Met with bro and got to JN's place for the game that night. The plan was to play HORSE, but we just ended up playing HORE. I'd actually prefer HOR. It was another bad night of poker for me, down $50. But I was still a happy man at the end of the day.

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