Thursday, June 08, 2006

DF farewell - June 7

And DF was leaving town the week before that.

That was a long long night. I don't think I got home until 4am or so.

The plan was to meet at Alta around 8:30 for tapas and see from there. Of course I got there early didn't see anyone there and stopped off at that bubble tea place on 6th Ave and 11th owned by ZS's friend. After filling up and leaving some origami mementos, I got to Alta and waited at the bar. No one showed until 9:30. JC and her boy go there an hour late. Yeah. then JK showed around 10. and DF around 10:30, only two freaking hours late. Of course, I absolutely love it when ppl are late. I love it so much. Thankfully the food was very good and I stuffed my face. Everybody else seemed to be trashed by the time we left (two were drunk when they got to the restaurant). We drove over to Corner Billiards and shot some games until the place closed for the night. Whatever happened to 24-hr pool halls? I don't know that it was all that much fun that night, but it felt like 10 years ago: the aimless wandering in the middle of the night, ending up at a pool hall, home at some ungodly hour. *sigh* Am I growing up or growing old?

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