Wednesday, March 07, 2007

ACES and V

Fire/emergency drills are no fun, but necessary. I've already had to walk all the way home two times since I started working in SoHo.

Since I am the fire warden on our floor I had to attend an annual refresher course on our responsibilities as part of the emergency response team.

In the event of a fire emergency always remember ACES.

Alert - Pull the alarm and contact the rest of the emergency team.
Confine - Close the doors and confine the fire
Evacuate - Tell everybody to get out.
Special Assistance - Help those who might need help evacuating.

Had a piece of my foot sliced off that morning. Walking was a bit of a pain. Watched a DVR recording (in HD!) of V for Vendetta that night. Am I the only one that notices the world seems more Orwellian everyday? I still think The Interview was Hugo Weaving's best movie.

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